Best movie: Joker

When the movie was first announced I though it will be about the dementia of the Joker but with a superficial perspective, like a funny way. However, when I watched trailer I understood that I was wrong, the movie will be different, more emotionally deep.

After, when the movie arrived to the cinema I watched and I loved. It was a very emotionally complex, heavy and amazing. You feel a connection with the suffering of Arthur Fleck and in some way you understand the reasons why Arthur became the Joker. Because you don't see the Joker, you see Arthur, the human perspective of the villain.

I think that Joaquin Phoenix made a really good job, his performance like a Joker it was incredible. Besides, the scenes, music and script were precise. The presence of Robert De Niro at an important moment for the movie and for the tranformation of Arthur, it was simply perfect.

So, for all different emotinal facets that the movie managed show and for the connection with audience thanks to a good development of principal character, I think that Joker is the best movie of DC universe. 

If you haven't  watch this movie, I recommend that you watch it!


  1. I couldn't be more agree with you, Joker is the best movie from the DC universe by far, with a Joker that can even overcome the Heath Ledger one.

  2. Its amazing how you feel empathy for the characters and a bit of pain for him

  3. This movie makes a great job at showing the human decadency and dementia, it also makes a criticism about the way that society deal with the mental illnesses, it´s just amazing

  4. I still haven't been able to see this movie :(

  5. I too think that this movie is the best DC movie, I am really happy that Joaquin Phoenix won the oscar, in Arthur's words "you get what you f*cking deserve". and boy did he deserve that award.

  6. joker is one of the best movies of dc , i really don't have expectations, but it's surprised me in a good sense .

  7. a long time ago I feel like watching this movie

  8. Joker is a good film, it´s interesting the point of view of the villain like a person with mental problems.

  9. because of a social outbreak, I lost my movie ticket opportunity and I never watched it :(

  10. I've always heard a lot about this character, but I've never taken it seriously, I'll watch the movie!


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