Post Graduate studies

 Hello everyone! Today I'm writing about my post graduate studies, I hope you are  safe at home.

Well, if I must be honest, I would like to do several post graduate studies on toxicology, neurobiochemistry and clinical biochemistry. But if I am to be realistic, I must make some decisions about my future and I am not ready yet. When I finish my career I hope to have more clarity that now.

If I have the opportunity to study in another country like Spain or Germany, I will be happy, but if I do not,  I would like a post graduate degree at the University of Chile.

I do not know how I would like to study, I think that depends on the social and economic situation that I have at that moment in my life.

I am at a time in my life that I do not clarify many things and I think that it is great, for first time in my life I try to go slowly and enjoy every moment without worrying excessively about each thing. I am young and I think that I have my whole life for make my dreams come true but enjoying my present.

I hope that your can dreams also come true and do not forget to enjoy the present life:)



  1. yep its better to take these types of things slowly and dont rush it since we can regret our decisions later

  2. Hi, if you want study in a post graduate program in Chile or in other country, you can apply for a grant.

  3. I totally agree with you, I think it's a very important decision and it has to be taken with calm.

  4. There is still a long way to go to make decisions like that

  5. But what a good analysis on the subject, you are absolutely right!


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